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Jadual Peperiksaan Mac

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Salam demam peperiksaan kepada pejuang-pejuang muda UiTM Kedah. Di sini disertakan jadual peperiksaan bagi sesi Mac 2012.

Muat turun Jadual Waktu Peperiksaan Akhir Mac 2012 (Diploma)


Exam Fever

Selamat menduduki peperiksaan kepada pelajar UiTM Kedah. Semoga peperiksaan ini menjadi satu medan peperangan yang dapat memberi manfaat kepada kita. Mulakanlah perjuangan anda dengan dengan Allah, semoga mendapat keberkatan dalam peperangan nanti.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

CITU UiTM Kedah menawarkan perkhidmatan pengajian tajwid dan tarannum secara on line bagi warga UiTM Kedah yang musykil berkaitan bacaan dan kaedah tajwid. Sila hubungi pegawai CITU yang bertugas seperti berikut:

Setiap Khamis pukul 10.00 - 12.00 tengah hari:
Ustaz Mhd Khir bin Mhd Rejab
(Pegawai Hal Ehwal Islam)
ext:2653 @ 019-6690506

Setiap Rabu pukul 2.45 - 4.30 petang:
Ustaz Ahmad Yumni bin Abu Bakar
(Pensyarah CITU)
ext:2652 @ 019-4469405

Helping People, Make People Smile

Watch as the camera tracks an act of kindness as its passed from one individual to the next and manages to boomerang back to the person who set it into motion.

Helping People

To help a Muslim in some important work and to do it for his sake or to remove his troubles and worries is an act which has been promised much reward by the Prophet. Abdullah bin Omar said that our Holy Prophet said, “'One who helps someone in his need, Allah helps him in his work, and one who removes any worry or trouble of any Muslim, Allah, in return, removes anyone of his worries on the Day of Judgment'. (Abu Daud, Kilab-al-Adab, Bad-al-Muvakhat)
Telling someone the way, sharing someone's load or helping him with it, and all other acts of public service are included in the acts defined by this hadith.  "Those who help others are truly much blessed," as the hadith says, “Best people are those who are useful to others.”
Hence all occasions of service, big or small, must be sought for; this increases one's merits. If someone is a victim of tyranny, it is the duty of every Muslim to save him from it.
A hadith tells us that the Holy Prophet said "A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim", and “A brother does not leave his brother helpless nor does he lie to him nor yet makes false promises, nor treats him with cruelty." (Tirmidhi: AI Birr wa-al- Silah)
Another hadith runs as follows, "If a Muslim is being insulted and degraded and his honour besmirched somewhere and another Muslim leaves him helpless, Allah would leave the latter helpless on occasions when he would need help. And if any Muslim helps him in when he is insulted and degraded, Allah shall help him when he would need help" (Abu Da'ud: Adab)
Helping a Muslim includes appropriate refutal of any wrong charges or insinuations levelled against another Muslim. Abu Darda' report that our Holy Prophet has said, "One who defends the honour of his brother, Allah keeps the fire of hell away from his face on the Day of Judgment.” (Tirmidhi: al Birr wa al Silah, Chapter 20)

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